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Celebrating Success
At Marnel Junior School one of our fundamental aims is to educate the whole child and to help them be happy, experiencing success and a sense of satisfaction in work well done, therefore increasing their self-esteem and ability to be resilient. Each week our school gathers together for Merit Assembly. This is the time when we celebrate the achievements our children have made during the week.
Merit Certificates
Each teacher awards certificates during merit assembly for children who have made extra effort, produced super work or shown any of our learning behaviours.
Regular Readers
Those children who read regularly are rewarded with badges and certificates in recognition of the stamps collected in their diaries.
Pen Licences
Children are presented with a provisional pen licence when their handwriting is consistently neat and legible. Children then progress to a full pen licence and finally
they are presented with a fountain pen and a certificate for excellence when writing is consistently joined and neat .
Marnel Learner Award
The bronze Marnel Learner Award is awarded to children who consistently show all our school’s learning behaviours. Progression to silver and gold learner awards are given to children who are able to consistently show our learning behaviours and who support their peers within the classroom and on the playground. Platinum learner awards are awarded to children who have organised or supported a fundraising event for a charity; this may involve leading an assembly, writing a letter to parents and organising a cake sale.
Attendance Award
Each week in merit assembly, the class with the highest attendance in each year group are awarded an attendance ‘cup.’ At the end of each term, every child in the class with the most attendance cups in the school will be given a Festival Place voucher. If the school attendance is 96.5% or above, staff put on a special treat for the children.
Class awards
Each class teacher will use house points and marbles to reward children and their class. Stickers and certificates are also used when celebrating good work, good language skills or showing our school learning behaviours.
Cups of Excellence
Each term a child is chosen from each year group to earn recognition in our areas for Cups of Excellence. Cups that can be obtained cover any different areas of learning.
Outstanding Effort
Outstanding Achievement
Excellence in English
Excellence in Maths
Excellence in Arts
Excellence in Sports
Excellence in Science
Excellence in Computing