


Whole school fiction progression documentWhole school non-fiction progression document

Year 3 writing overview

Year 4 writing overview

Year 5 writing overview

Year 6 writing overview

Marnel 021Intent


At Marnel Junior School, we aim to deliver an ambitious and engaging writing curriculum that caters to the diverse needs and interests of our children. Our goal is to inspire confident, accomplished writers who leave us at the end of Year 6 with a love for writing and the ability to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively. We strive to develop writers who can independently re-read, edit and improve their work while confidently applying essential skills in grammar, punctuation and spelling.

We set high expectations for all pupils, encouraging them to take pride in their work, develop a fluent, cursive handwriting style and unleash their imagination. Through our curriculum, children engage in first-hand experiences that enable them to refine the skills and knowledge needed to become successful writers.

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”

John Keating

Marnel 045


We ensure our pupils can write independently across a variety of genres and for a range of purposes and audiences with fluency, accuracy and enjoyment. Writing is integrated across the curriculum, providing abundant opportunities for cross-curricular application. High-quality text drivers are used to inspire and immerse children in rich language and storytelling, while sharing and modelling advanced vocabulary supports the development of independent writing.

We recognise the importance of discussion and oral rehearsal in understanding the written word, alongside teacher modelling of the writing process. Our writing curriculum is underpinned by Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction, emphasising the revisiting of skills and genres throughout the year and across Key Stage 2.

Through a structured writing cycle, pupils practice planning, drafting and editing to refine their work. Effective teaching techniques, such as shared and guided writing, expose pupils to high-quality demonstrations and discussions about the choices writers make. With meaningful feedback and guidance, pupils become reflective and resilient learners who strive for excellence in their writing.


Our pupils make good progress from their individual starting points. By the time they leave Marnel Junior School, they can write independently and accurately, adapting their language and style to suit a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. They acquire a wide vocabulary, develop a strong command of the written word, and, most importantly, cultivate a lasting love for writing. These skills prepare them for success in the next stages of their education and beyond.



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